Frequency Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to some frequently asked questions. If you still can't find what you're looking for and need help, please contact us at: [email protected]

How do I create coupon codes for my winning slices?

Please follow these instructions from Ecwid: for more information on how to create discount codes for your Spin-a-Sale winning slices.

Important Note: Make sure that all discounts and prizes you provide are profitable for your store and avoid any high value discounts that don't cover your costs. Even a modest prize or discount can help encourage customers to make a purchase while also being profitable for your store.

Why isn't the Spin-a-Sale popup appearing on my website when it's toggled on?

The most common cause of the Spin-a-Sale pop-up not appearing is because you've already seen it from your computer or device or you've already played. Once you enter your email address and play the popup will no longer appear on your computer or device. If you've viewed the popup and closed it without playing it won't display again on your computer or device until the Cookie Duration setting is reached. For instance if you've set the Cookie Duration to 24 hours, the popup will only appear once every 24 hours on your computer or device. To view the popup on your website more than that, delete your browser cookies to reset it on your computer or device or use the Preview on Website link at the top of the Settings page.

Why does the Spin-a-Sale popup keep appearing on every page?

The two most common reasons the Spin-a-Sale popup keeps appearing on every page is because your Cookie Duration setting is set to 0 Hours or your browser settings are set to block browser cookies. In order to ensure the Spin-a-Sale popup doesn't appear on every page, set your Cookie Duration to at least 1 hour and ensure your browser cookies are set to accept cookies.

How does the mobile exit intent feature work?

If you have the Mobile Exit Intent trigger turned on, the Spin-a-Sale popup will appear for mobile users whenever they scroll down a page at least 10% and then start to scroll up.

Can I email the winning coupon code to a subscriber using MailChimp?

Yes! Please follow the Capture Winning Coupon in MailChimp tutorial for further information.

How do I uninstall the app?

How do I cancel my subscription?

In order to cancel your subscription simply uninstall the app from your Ecwid account. Follow the instruction in the How do I uninstall the app? section. Ecwid will automatically cancel your subscription to the app once it's uninstalled.

Do you have a privacy policy?

Yes, please view our Privacy Policy here.

How is customer data collected by the app on my behalf handled?

For information about the data we collect from your customers on your behalf and how we handle that data, please view our Data Collection and Processing Policy here.

Need help? Contact us at: [email protected]
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